A faithful live-action adaptation of the popular coterie work “Natsu Tsuma” (based on the novel by Kurosu Gatari), which lewdly depicts the secret sexual desires of married women! The role of Yumiko, a big-breasted wife who falls for the charlatans, is played by Madonna’s exclusive K-cup beauty, Ai Kano! It was supposed to be a family trip, but her husband had to leave for work suddenly, leaving her alone with her son. Yumiko is picked up by a group of men who happen to know her, and she asks them if she can stay for a while. Yumiko is picked up by a group of men she meets by chance, and she goes to their room to ask them if she can stay for a while… The men, hungry for flesh, play with her in an uncontrollable manner. Then they slam their throbbing cocks into her vagina again and again…
Studio: Madonna
AV Idol: Ai Kano
Label: Ure Comi
Release date: Jul 17, 2021
Runtime: 148min
Director: Kitorune Kawaguchi